Mozambique Rural Electrification and Policy Support
This assignment was carried out for the EU Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) for SEforAll. In close collaboration with the EU Delegation in Maputo, and involving local partners like the Energy Fund FUNAE, Ministry of Energy MIREME, the electricity utility EDM and Energy Regulatory Authority ARENE, the study identified policy areas to be supported by the upcoming Project Preparation Facility (PPF). The study also defined the mandate of a “Resource Centre” through which the public PPF services will be executed. The PPF is a € 10.5M-programme providing public and private sector support in the field of energy. The private component is labelled “GET.Invest” and will be managed by GiZ.
Further to the above, the assignment defined investment opportunities for the € 83.5 million Mozambique Energy Services Access Programme (MESAP), a programme targeting direct investments in national/regional energy projects. The assignment also assessed (commercial, concessional and grant based) financing opportunities for these investment opportunities.
As a third component, Blue-Ant has reviewed different potential contract models for the exploitation of the 595 kW Majaua Hydro Power Plant and mini-grid structure in the district of Milange, Zambézia Province. The site is currently managed by FUNAE. A financial feasibility study was carried out and recommendations as to how to attract a private operator under a concession modality were given.