Having an enabling environment in place for clean and energy efficiency investments will help attract private and public investments and contribute to realisation of SDG7. Certain fiscal incentives and other policy measures may contribute to the accelerated development of sustainable energy markets.
Vast market opportunities exist for businesses at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Unlocking the commercial opportunities in the BoP markets require unconventional yet innovative and inclusive business models that both bring development solutions to the BoP and commer
Blue-Ant avails of extensive experience in providing investment support to a wide variety of companies in different sectors, including energy, agriculture, ICT, transport and, aquaculture. Over the last decade, public and private finance has been secured to facilitate a cumulative investment portfol
Quantitative and qualitative market assessments help identify the investment potential for products or services. Blue-ant carries out studies for governments and development partners to assess the market for intervention strategies (e.g. making available targeted funding; providing TA to enablers of