Implementation framework for AECF REACT in Mozambique
The Renewable Energy and Adaptation to Climate Technologies (REACT) Sub-Saharan Africa (REACT SSA) is a US$ 48 million, Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) funded programme that provides financing and technical assistance to innovative renewable energy businesses/ business ideas across Sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of the funding windows of the USD 310 million Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) that provides catalytic funding to enterprises in 24 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Blue-Ant provided services to AECF in defining a country funding window for REACT SSA in Mozambique. Among others, it analysed and documented market conditions, regulatory requirements for RE businesses, financing and trade policies in the RE industry in general and off-grid businesses (including solar, mini-grid and cleaner fuels) in particular. In addition, it advised on REACT Mozambique fund design and implementation.